Thank You Note

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Dear Lynn,

You might not remember me but I am a friend of Lili Ann Zisook, Terri Lind and Joan Himmel Freeman.  We met at a party at Lili Ann’s house- around 1982 I think.  (I can’t be sure, but I can tell you that if Lil gave the party it was a smash.)

You were one of her oldest friends.  I was one of her newest.  And I also remember that we had something else in common.  September 16.  We both had darling daughters born on that day- your precious Halee and my cherished Natasha.  I hope she and Laura are doing swell.  My kids are fine, I’m happy to report.

The reason I’m writing is that I just came back from the fabulous Lynn Sage Cancer Research Foundation luncheon at the Hilton this afternoon.  Would you believe 1200 women- all glammed up and looking great- turned out to buy purses, hear Diane Keaton gossip and spend cold, hard cash to beat breast cancer?

They were there because you wanted them to be.  Twenty-eight years ago, when you passed away, you made a wish.  And your friends never hesitated for a moment.  They collectively decided to wipe out that awful scourge of women and destroyer of families.

And they have been doing this monumental job ever since.

Over the past twenty-eight years, the gals have raised a ton of money, btw.  Like $27 million dollars for cancer research.  The doctors keep giving them their shopping lists and your friends just go to town and don’t let up until every item on that list is paid for.

How great is that?

You might also be interested to know that the next generation of our girls has jumped stiletto heels-first into the fund-raising pool.  Your dear friend Charlene Lieber’s beautiful daughter, Stephanie, is now chairman of the foundation, and to that end, she spoke eloquently about the need to do more.

Two gals I didn’t know- (I’ve been in Aspen these last seventeen or so years.  Real long story.) Julie Barrish and Nancy Resnick- were the event’s co-chairs. They were also gorgeous- and efficient, too.  The room and the purse auction looked incredible. My hat’s off to both of them.

Bill Zwecker, our resident Chicago celebrity columnist and tv star, was the master of ceremonies of the event.  It was his job to introduce the speaker- Diane Keaton- and he did it with his usual aplomb.

Diane Keaton was …well very Diane Keaton.  Quirky, human, approachable. You remember her from Annie Hall, right?  Well, she IS Annie Hall.  Woody didn’t have to write that part.  He just had to live with her- which he did- and take notes.

Her speech/film clips were wonderful, but don’t tell anyone this.  As endearing and open as she was, I think she had already been upstaged.

By Terri Lind’s beautiful daughter-in-law, Sarah Nemerovski.

I’m sad to report that this adorable girl has had breast cancer.  And at the luncheon she was featured in a short video in which she narrated the awful events of her diagnosis, terrible fear, arduous treatment and finally, triumphantly, her happy ending.

Dry-eyed, charmingly, and without a drop of self-pity, this lovely gal showed us cancer’s remorseless and relentless toll as it preys on women of any age- and their loving families.

And Lynn, she was radiant.  Lit from within by a special glow, as she recounted her- and so many other women’s- ordeal at the hand of this monster.

I was impressed by her candor, her fight, her courage, her grit.  And I was so touched by her husband, Scott, and his love and concern for her.

I’m sorry this dear family had to suffer so.  But your research foundation- and the monies your besties have tirelessly raised over the years- saved her life.  At least she thinks so.

Well, that’s about it.  I just thought I’d drop you a line and tell you how it all went down.

(Would you believe that I heard that the parking at the Hilton was $36!  Glad I took a cab. That’s inflation for you.)

And Lynn, just one more thing.

All these women who were there on Thursday, the ones who came because of you?

They weren’t there because of the way you died.

They were there because of the way you lived.

Thank you and God bless.

Your friend, Ellen Ross

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21 Responses to Thank You Note

  1. Sherry says:

    Once again, your description of a life event was spot on. What a beautiful tribute to a beautiful tribute. The warm memory of that powerful luncheon lingers in my head. Leave it to you to articulate the essence perfectly.
    Thank you…..
    We’ll talk and walk

  2. Mary Lu Roffe says:

    A very beautiful piece.

  3. Terri Lind says:

    That was an incredible thank you note you wrote to Lynn. You took my breath away. You captured the essence of what and why the LSCRF does what it does. The luncheon was beautiful, but at the end of the day, it’s purpose was upheld, we raised a lot of money to help fund research and help find cures for this dreadful disease. Then our daughters, sisters, mothers, fathers and brothers will never have to be touched by breast cancer. Thank you for writing this beautiful note.

  4. Lili Ann says:

    I have tears in my eyes after reading this Ellen. However my heart is smiling knowing Lynn would be proud of her friends and family who have never stopped working to find a cure.
    Your summary of what we do is the heart and soul of our Foundation,
    We are tireless fundraisers to honor the way Lynn lived… and so many others!!!
    To be able to get through the diagnosis and have hope is crucial. The video about Sarah shows how far we have come!!!! Thank Goodness.
    Thank You for your help in the past, present and hopefully the future!!!!

    • Ellen Ross says:

      I was the first publicity chairman of the Lynn Sage Fund- as we called it back then. And we all went down to the Board of Trade and had our pictures taken and I got them into the Sun Times and the Trib, I think. That was like pulling a rabbit out of a hat all those years ago, and now look… what an accomplishment. How hard everyone works. Every year. Thank you for giving me a ringside seat. I’m yours whenever you want me. And all you have to do is call.

  5. Bill Zwecker says:

    Ellen — You’ve done it again — hitting a real home run
    of a blog! Thanks, too, for the kind words, but more importantly you nailed
    the true essence of what the friends of Lynn Sage have so amazingly
    accomplished over these three decades.

  6. Joan Himmel Freeman says:

    Bravo Ellen. Thank you for your beautiful letter to Lynn. You captured all our sentiments artfully and so touchingly.

  7. LAURIE COWALL says:


  8. ALLAN KLEIN says:

    GREAT !!!.Allan

    • Ellen Ross says:

      Thanks, buddy. It was an inspirational day.

      • Lori Gersten says:

        Dear Ellen,
        I loved what you wrote about the Lynn Sage luncheon. You captured the essence of what the afternoon was all about. Lynn Sage lives on not only is the hearts of those who knew her but also by those who lives have been touched is some way by breast cancer. Your blogs are all so meaningful…this one was exceptional

        • Ellen Ross says:

          Oh, Lori, what a pleasure to hear from you. And I’m so glad you thought that I did that wonderful event justice. Thank you. Love to all.

  9. Leslie says:

    Best letter that could have ever been written- I know it reached the right person- the one it was directed to- I happen to have a handle on these things- she got it- and loved it – and cried too. leslie

  10. Hi Ellen,
    What an incredible letter you wrote. Brought tears in my eyes and my heart felt so proud to be part of this incredible organization, Lynn Sage Cancer Research Foundation and their Founders and members are dedicated, loyal and hard working and committed to find the cure for this devastating disease that has affected all of us. I didn’t know Lynn but it is inspiring to watch all of her friends celebrate how she lived.
    Thank you for your kind and caring words about the Luncheon. I am forever Grateful for the opportunity and the experience. Hope to meet you this year.

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