Breaking Up Is Hard To Do

Well, Dear Readers, if you read my last post you now know the news that TBF and I are kaput.

Ending things is an emotional business and thus I’m a little at sea. Hard to describe all the emotions I’m going through.

But sometimes, you can say it with music so I think I’ll let these clips do my work for me.

And there is this one.

And this one.

This one comes from one of my favorite “rock operas.” A classic.

I hope you’ll understand and forgive me when I say that I need a little time off from the blog. I’ve got to regroup and find myself again.

I guess I just need to start a new life before I can write about it.

So give me a little time.

I’ll see you back here same time same station on Sunday, October 14.  Please hang in there with me.

Until then, Dear Readers…


This entry was posted in Break Ups, Dating, Music. Bookmark the permalink.

18 Responses to Breaking Up Is Hard To Do

  1. Ellen Kander says:

    Please take care, Ellen. It’s so hard because he was (is) a good one.Time does heal….. but this one is disappointing. Thinking of you…….

    • Ellen Ross says:

      Thanks, Ellen. Yes, this was a real disappointment. I’m sad at the outcome but hopefully good things ahead. Fingers crossed.

  2. Gary W says:

    Sorry to hear Ellen, but I know you’v got this. Time… Wounds … Perseverance… And of course, being a winner will all play out well for you. All the best, and soon 😉, G

  3. Jack C. Feldman says:

    ELLEN — it was sad to read about the end of your relationship with TBF. You’ve had several marriages and several more relationships and one does wonder if there is anyone that will satisfy you.

    The disappointment at the end of this relationship truly saddens me. I hope life will be good to you, whatever you choose going forward.

    • Ellen Ross says:

      Thanks- I think- Jack. Not sure I would say that this relationship ended because it “didn’t satisfy me” but hopefully, things will improve soon.

  4. Mitchell Klein says:

    Five more songs that express the heartbreak of ending a realtionship.

    Hang in there, ER.

    Hey, That’s No Way to Say Goodbye” by Leonard Cohen. …
    “Don’t Think Twice, It’s Alright” by Bob Dylan. …
    “Go Your Own Way” by Fleetwood Mac. …
    “Someone Like You” by Adele. …
    “You’ve Lost That Lovin’ Feelin’” by the Righteous Brothers. …
    “I Will Always Love You” by Whitney Houston.

  5. Jess says:

    So sorry to read about your sad breakup. When you are ready to
    grab a bite with an old friend at the usual place
    just let me know. I am here for ou

  6. Steven Lindeman says:

    Ellen….take the time for a little healing. One thing I have learned the last few years is to be comfortable in your own skin and be who you are. I have a few good friends and family around me and have told my kids that it is going to take somebody to rock my life before I get involved again on a permanent basis. I go out once in a while with a couple of gal pals for dinner and some crazy conversations….so I don’t want to seem to be a recluse….just very independent. Wishing you the best E. Take care!

  7. Dicky says:

    Sorry to hear this news, girlfriend. Trite to say “meant to be”. But you know that’s how it goes.
    I know you are hurting and you probably crave a true emotional companion. So I wish for you all that you need. For now, know we are all here for you.

    • Ellen Ross says:

      Thank you, my friend. Really great to know that you guys have my back. Wish me luck on the next part of the rest of my life.

  8. Steve Wolff says:

    When you’re feeling blue,
    and your heart is broke,
    with your glasses on,
    read an elephant joke……

    Q: How do you stop an elephant from charging?
    A: Take away it’s credit card.

    Q: What do you do with an elephant with 3 balls?
    A: Walk him and get to the giraffe.

    Q: How do you make an elephant fly?
    A: Start with a 3-foot zipper.

    Your heart still aches
    and you want some liquor,
    but those big gray mammals,
    will give you a snicker.

    Q: Why do elephants have trunks?
    A: Because they would look silly with glove compartments.

    Q: What do you call an elephant who is an expert in skin disorders?
    A: A pachydermatologist.

    Q: What did the elephant say to the naked man?
    A: Cute, but can you breathe through it?

    Now that I know I have you laughing, here’s a song list guaranteed to get you out of a funk:
    “Something’s Coming” from West Side Story
    “Don’t Stop Believin’ ” by Journey
    “Feelin Groovy” by Simon and Garfunkle
    “Lovely Day” by Bill Withers
    “Happy” by Pharrell Williams.

    Feel better?

    (Oh, and that will be $350 for the therapy)!!!!

  9. Susan Alexander says:

    I really feel for you, Ellen. During the years I dated after my divorce, I typically ended up being the dumpee rather than the dumper, which really hurt. What was really frustrating is I should have ended some of them earlier anyway because I had a sense they weren’t going to end up well for me but I just couldn’t do it. It usually hurts no matter who ends it but it hurt the most when I was the dumpee and wasn’t ready for it.

    I like the definition of dumpee:

    “A person whose partner has abruptly ended their sexual or romantic relationship.
    ‘Get over it’ is easy to say, but painful to do—especially if you’re the dumpee”

    I don’t know how yours ended but I’m sad for you either way. And healing takes so damn long, or so it seems. All I could do was get through one day at a time, usually by keeping as busy as possible. I hope your knowing you have my sympathy and support helps you get through another day.

    P.S. I really liked so many of the supportive responses you got from friends. A little bit of humor always helps at a time like this.

    • Ellen Ross says:

      Susan, you are so on the mark it’s uncanny. I take full responsibility for refusing to see the trouble spots so evident in the relationship. I told myself lots of things- I temporized that every relationship has bumps in the road and I closed my eyes. I didn’t want to be alone and have to start over. That’s on me. It hasn’t been easy on him, either. Two and a half years out of both our lives and you know how finite and unfriendly Time is at our age. And you’re right again. Good friends have given me great advice. I just hope I can pull this off and justify their faith in me. Bless you and your wise council. 😊

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